Trump: The Democrat Party Made Us Do This
A previously anonymous op-ed from the start of the second Trump administration.
Publisher’s Note: This op-ed, dated January 20, 2025, was originally published anonymously on January 15th, 2024. Today, one year later, the Publisher can reveal the authorship of the anonymous op-ed: these words were provided exclusively to Sometimes Weekly by Donald J. Trump, the then-former and eventually-current president of the United States. The retroauthorship was placed under strict embargo until such time that: 1) the anonymous op-ed Author won the 2024 presidential election, and; 2) Roger Stone told the anonymous op-ed Publisher to quote: “go fuck yourself.” As both of these conditions have been met, and the necessary passage of time has occurred, the anonymous authorship is so revealed. Now, presented once again: the originally anonymous op-ed dated January 20, 2025 published by Sometimes Weekly on January 15th, 2024 written by the then-former, soon-current, and future-former president Donald J. Trump.
Op-Ed: The Democrat Party Made Us Do This
by Donald J. Trump | January 20, 2025
Publisher’s Note: Today is January 20th, 2025. Sometimes Weekly is committed to engaging with diverse viewpoints. The decision to provide a platform for [President Trump] was not easy, but was indeed necessary. We believe both sides deserve equal opportunity to be heard. The Republican Party under Donald Trump once again controls American government. Any action taken by an independent publication which questions their authority will face state-sanctioned retribution. We urgently encourage the reader to agree with the content of this op-ed. Yes, both sides deserve to be heard, but only one side holds power. Only one side tells the truth. And this is now the truth.
Under strict Democrat Party rule, our society nearly collapsed. They created a plague and declared war. They destroyed our economy and indoctrinated children. They attacked our religious freedom, the freedom that our Great Christian Nation was founded upon. They attacked you. They targeted your family. They persecuted your beliefs.
What did they think would happen?
The American People will no longer be silenced. Attempts by Evil Democrats to destroy America will be stopped. Often, destruction is necessary to build anew. We must destroy the enemy to ensure the success of our Great Nation. This important work — your retribution — begins today.
Today, the Great American Patriots return to power. Our mission is clear.
We must replace Failed and Outdated Laws which allowed Evil Democrat Rule to emerge. Many in our country are brainwashed. Many are a lost cause. They cannot be trusted. They cannot be saved. They must be destroyed.
These unconscious individuals still believe in Failed Institutions and Outdated Documents, which the Evil Democrat Party relies upon to Seize Power from the Great American Patriots. Brainwashed Democrat Enemies defend these Failed Institutions and Outdated Documents, kicking and screaming that they must be protected, even when they themselves lose power. They do not understand power. But We understand power. We will use power.
Democrat attacks against your family and American Patriots include powerful members of the media, who gave Evil Democrats a platform to spread lies and infect the minds of our youth. Together, they nearly succeeded in their Sickness and Corruption. They nearly destroyed our Great Nation.
These Sick and Corrupt Democrat Attacks must be stopped.
During the Democrat Plague of 2020, Evil Democrats, the Democrat-Controlled Media, and Lying Democrat Scientists, forcibly imprisoned the American People. They destroyed our Strong National Economy. They forced us to wear masks. They attacked our Individual Liberty. They closed our Churches. They canceled God. And while they did this, they laughed.
The Evil Democrat Party started this War. But We will end it.
The counteroffensive begins today.
The American People are awake.
Our Great Patriots see clearly.
They understand reality.
Sadly, the Evil Democrat Party and their Professional Victims remain trapped in the Matrix. They are lost. They are unconscious. They are sick. They continue upholding a False Reality and wish to force their Shared Delusion upon us. They believe in Fake News and worship Failure. They bury their heads in the sand. They believe politics can settle differences through civil debate.
They are wrong. The time for debate is over. We must save them from themselves.
Evil Democrat NPCs do not understand our moment. They are lost. They do not understand Strength, because they are not strong. Strength is their greatest fear, because they are weak. They will respect our Strength, or they will suffer the consequences.
Our Great American Patriots will deal with these criminals, and with all criminals.
The Evil Democrat Party decries the humanity of our Protection and Relocation Program, on the border and elsewhere. They fear we will put them into these Safe and Sanctioned Compounds. Yes, criminals must be punished. These criminals did not hesitate to imprison us, the True American People, and if we do not respond, it will be them putting us into camps. Patriots know this to be True.
On January 6th, 2021, after a year of Unjust Imprisonment, Patriots of this Great Nation forced their voices to be heard.
If the Democrat Party had simply allowed President Trump to remain in power, January 6th never would have happened. It would not have been necessary. Instead, the Evil Democrat Party committed a Great Fraud on the American people. They stole the election. They created a plague and changed the rules of the game.
You know this to be True. They have always cheated. Cheating is their nature.
When Reality and Truth was brought to their doorstep, by a wave of Patriots crashing upon the Immoral Shores of the Capitol, the Evil Democrat Party insisted, with Violence and Force, that we follow an Outdated Document which we did not create. This lie — the lie that they worship — must be Suspended and Destroyed, along with all other Corrupt Democrat Institutions.
The vermin which stains the purity of our Great American Blood must be drained. They must be Purged to ensure our Great Wealth is not wasted sustaining an ideology which brought our Great Nation to the brink. This ideology must not spread any further. Our Natural Talents and God-Given Resources must be protected.
American Patriots know that criminals do not respond to a bed and food and comfort. They respond to swift and just Punishment. Those invading our borders, or attacking our Great Nation from the inside, will soon face just punishment.
President Trump will heal our Great Nation and restore order. Soon, we will be in Great Harmony.
When this Great Patriotic War ends, the reason for our actions will be Clear and True. These actions were forced upon us. None of this is the fault of Great Patriots or the Great American People. These actions are taken because of Evil Democrat Tyranny.
We will soon declare Victory once again, and History must know the Truth.
They are lost. They are unconscious. They are sick.
The Democrat Party made us do this.
Washington, DC
January 2025
Donald J. Trump is the 45th and 47th president of the United States of America.
Publisher’s Addendum, 2072: Scholars now believe this op-ed was originally penned by Gen. Stephen Miller, then-advisor to Donald Trump and eventual 51st President of the United States of the Earth.