About the Newsletter
Post by Sometimes Weekly provides weekly political and cultural commentary through a sometimes-funny, sometimes-serious newsletter format.
If you have any comments, questions, or correspondence please feel free to contact nick@sometimesweekly.com.
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What is Sometimes Weekly, exactly?
Sometimes Weekly was created in 2015 to tell the story of Donald Trump threatening to sue Nick Butler and subsequently cutting him a check. From there, Nick told the story of the time a Lord of Parliament offered him a bribe. In June 2015, he recalled his brief Twitter diplomacy with North Korea. In February 2016, Nick created "Don't Approve This SuperPAC" which the FEC approved. In June 2016, Fox News accidentally advertised a fake Trump dating website Nick created as a joke.
A couple years later, Nick told the story of the time A&E almost filmed a ghost hunting show at his house when he was 14-years old. A few months later, Nick tried to set the dress code for a British secret society after he was emailed by mistake. After a brief hiatus, he filed an addendum to Sometimes Weekly with a few short stories that weren't quite good enough for their own post.
In 2022, Nick apologized to Neill Blomkamp, the director of District 9 for stealing his Twitter handle in 2009.
In 2023, Sometimes Weekly was LLCified and a regularly-scheduled weekly newsletter was launched, documenting and cataloguing our chaotic times from a critically humorous perspective.